I just had to post some pics of my boys...Samuel (5) reminds me of General Patton with the flag in the background...that would be in his room. He asked for an American Flag for Christmas and has treasured it since. He hung it above his bed (with my help of course!) and salutes it daily...he is VERY patriotic and can say his pledge of allegiance. He is in his military attire and "guards" the house daily. Wonder what he wants to be when he grows up?? His teachers say they keep them on their toes when it comes to history...He explained to them the other day about the Enola Gay and how we bombed the Japanese...He asked me where Hitler was and if he was dead-his mind just goes on and on...fascinates me, this kid!
Jake is more interested in playing guitar hero and playstation lego star wars than pretty much anything else...he has become quite the rocker and Should I be concerned that my 7 yeard old is starting to walk around the house with a fake guitar singing "Talk dirty to me"..??!!...What am I doing to my kids??? I'm ok with having the kids play songs, but do you think they could maybe come with...say...some kid friendly songs??? Geez Louise....His favorite is Barracuda...Sammy prefers to rock out to Black Sabbath...yes, lovely Ozzy Osbourne....How lucky am I to have blooming head bangers in my midst! I think they have a little of their Uncle Karl in them!
They are settling back into the routine of school again-although the early mornings weren't a favorite for any of us. Eric has been traveling alot back and forth to Ohio, so we have been soloing it for while now...we just take it day by day! I'm actually using my pots and new appliances and they are working well-my recipes are actually edible!! A far cry, from my previous cooking experiences...watch out Top Chef!
Our newest arrival this past week was the new washer and dryer, which were much needed. After hearing some strange noises with the dryer, like it was going to actually come apart with each load, I finally learned why my Maytag was failing me...I heard Sammy yell while playing "I'm going to the escape pod" and run into the laundry room...Hmmmm..yes, his escape pod was the lovely dryer...so there he is inside with the door open pretending to blast off into outer space...so that explains why when I run a cycle, it's like threw in a set of barbels with my clothes! I quickly explained that these new appliances weren't "escaping anywhere" and that they were off limits. Gotta love boys!
With Eric gone so much, I did allow my kiddos to sleep with me a few nights just to make them feel more cuddled with things a little out of sorts. Little did I know that I would also be sleeping with 11 stuffed animals, a flash lights, commander cody, captain rex and every clone trooper in their posession. There is nothing worse than rolling over during the night and a miniature machine gun is jammed in your back. Makes for a lovely night's sleep!
We, like most of you, are experiencing very cold weather here in Atlanta...It was a balmy 10 this morning with only being 1 degree with the wind chill...Eric is thrilled. He leaves from Ohio where it is 6 below to come to single digits here in the south. We are bundling up needless to say and are hoping warmer air heads in....soon! I have a doubles match coming up and I will have to post how things went!!