SO true...there is nothing like seeing and smelling the familiar when you have been away from home! We had quite a week visiting with family. Sammy was sick two days before we left-with what we think was a remnant of Jake's illness the week before. We headed down the Tuesday before and arrived late to get settled in to my home, sweet, home. Hard to believe we all grew up and thrived in that house (just tight quarters), but it was so familiar and homey-couldn't have asked for anything more...well maybe just a healthy family!:) Not long after our arrival, Eric came down with something...still not sure what...He was out for the count for Thanksgiving day. Jake then was taken to an after hours clinic for a high fever-which then confirmed he had strep throat...I felt we were the walking plague. I stayed home with my family in lieu of the crazy shopping morning on Friday, but did venture to get out a bit that afternoon with my sis and mom for pots and pans of all things....good sale, couldn't pass up!
I did manage to see some dear friends in between all of that drama, but didn't get to see some other dear friends because of the time constraints and illness timing,etc. Overall, I was so glad we were able to be home for Thanksgiving..despite all the challenges. I will hopefully be able to catch up with everyone again in a month or so around Christmas!
We traveled home on the best day to travel I might add...who would have thought the Sunday after Thanksgiving would be a problem???!!!!! Note to self...get a brain. After a quick breakfast in Springboro we headed on down...going through torrential rain, traffic, a cramped car, traffic, accidents, detours, did I say TRAFFIC and of course...a tree trunk/limb across the road (seriously!!!) and then...fog...Lovely travels to say the least. We decided to trust our lovely Carmen to take us through another route to our beloved hotel. Carmen is our GPS-so far she has not let me down. We ventured off of I-75 ( I think I would STILL be sitting in traffic right now if we stayed on!!) and headed down a rather rural, scenic route...we contemplated turning around several times, but kept going. We traveled through several "towns"...trailer park communities and were tempted to stop by a local HillyBilly Bar...yes, that was the title. Catchy huh? We passed on the urge and eventually made it "home". The good thing was, we changed our accomadations to a closer, tad-bit nicer Hyatt Place. Sammy said "mom, I'm ready for some room service"...is he his mother's child or what?! We settled into a clean room and the boys crashed around 10pm after a quick run to Panera for a quick dinner.
The boys went back to school this morning and we have resumed a somewhat normal schedule. Today was Sammy's first day in special needs kindergarten...they asked him if he "could talk"...I said just mention wwII and he will keep you busy...His teacher is VERY nice and has red hair too! He is in a small class with only 5 kiddos and a little girl named Ellie was trying to show him around...she is a cutie!! After a little reluctance in letting me leave, he was just fine. He will go ALL DAY here at kindergarten-feeding himself a packed lunch too...in a cafeteria...I think it was tougher for me than for him. I picked him up at 2pm and he had the biggest smile on his face...he loved it and really seems to like his teacher. His teacher said he acted like he has been here all year. That is a relief...so glad to see him smile. Hopefully he will remember this was a good day when I have to wake him up at 6:30am tomorrow!
I enjoyed my day-quite laid back. I worked out this morning, took a shower, watched "Roxanne" on cable-don't remember the last time I watched a movie on cable-during the day! Had lunch and met with a tile guy for the new backsplash in the kitchen and then picked up the boys. I promised Sammy he could pick out where we go for dinner since this was his special day-he picked Subway-his favorite. I included some pics of the day...sorry no rhyme or reason, just kind of summarizes our last week! Sammy's first day of school, our new accomadations, Me, Lisa and Di at our anniversary dinner out, and Sox, my sister's golden retriever she brought with her home to our parents for Thanksgiving! The boys LOVE her dog! The pics we had of my sis and I were not blog worthy!!:)-no makeup!
Two more nights in a hotel and then we get to move in to the new house!! Yeah!!! Miss you all!
1 comment:
Sorry to hear the "crud" has been attacking you again! Hope all your boys are feeling better and life is returning to normal. Well, as normal as hotel living can be! So glad you will be settled in the house before Christmas. It sounds like it's all coming together!
Sammy's class sounds like a great spot for him - I know how it is, worrying that your kids will fit in, be comfortable, be challenged, etc., in a new situation. It's great that Sammy and Jake are getting into a routine - I'm sure that helps you, too!
Best of luck to you all,
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