Today was Jake's first day of school at his elementary school. After a rude awakening of my trusty cell phone alarm at 6:15AM, I roused him out of bed and out the door we went at 7am. Wasn't sure how long it would take with traffic, so we wanted to be there by 7:30a to meet his teacher,etc. He was so worried about forgetting her name...so I just said remember "fierce Pierce"...hopefully he won't repeat that one-or at least say where he heard it!
The assistant principal met us in the lobby and walked us back. He carried his new Star Wars lunch box he got at Target yesterday and was quite excited for his day...I was a little less optimistic. But off he went and was just fine. His teacher is nice and he gets his own desk.
Sammy headed back "home" with me for the morning. Listen to this...I cleanded the kichen counters (all two inches of them), swept the floor, made the beds, organized the closet and organized my suitcases (Lisa and Di you MUST be impressed!!), and did the dishes and then I looked at the clock....9:04 am!!!?!...Someone tell me what the heck am I supposed to do now?? I have been a stay at home mom for years, but the thought of having my housekeeping tasks done that early have bewildered me greatly!! I watched HGTV and People's Court ( I think for the first time since judge Wapner!!)...it was quite entertaining...tomorrow I'll let you know what happens on Guiding light...."it is later, the same day...." Sammy enjoys watching the show "If walls could talk"...he calls it the house treasure show...I feel helpless...like I could be doing something WAY more constructive-but it is sad that I actually have to TURN AWAY housekeeping because there is nothing to do!!! Tomorrow will be good because there is the inspection and that will keep me occupied for the morning!!! I'll let you know what happens...hopefully the house won't be condemned!!:)
We went to the book fair at his school tonight and I let the boys each pick out some books-and Sammy's first pick was....you guessed it...."World War II for Kids"....He has been addicted to this since we brought it home. He is fascinated with the Germans and can actually pick out luftwaffe and Japanese planes! He picked out the pages on Pearl Harbor and wanted to read it right in the midst of the teachers reading a story to the kids at the school. He loves history, and this book did a great job explaining and the pics aren't too graphic...so I will enjoy going through this with him....that may be my "mommy leis elementary" for tomorrow!! Forget the kid has no interest in writing his abc's...but he can tell you who were the axis and allied powers in wwII!
1 comment:
Maybe Sammy can teach me a thing or 2 about history because I don't know too much! I opted out of taking historyin high scool to take 4 years of math and science...alot of good that did me!!
Now is your chance to get to the gym and get some workouts in!
Enjoy your time of having nothing to do. You deserve it after having spent so much time and hard work on your old house! Come Dec. 3rd, you will be busy, busy getting your house in order.
Hope all goes well with the inspection! :)
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