Another full weekend here in our lovely lux accomadations. I spent most of our Saturday in our lovely laundry room on the third floor. I should have taken out a small loan-in quarters mind you, for use of their washing facilities....so $30 later...in the past two weeks I have managed to spend at least $30 in laundry-$1.50 for each washing load and $1.50 to dry! What gets under my skin is that people do NOT clean out their laundry lint filter when they are done...have you ever looked at this...closely...after a load is done??? Seriously...hairs and who knows what else are there with the lint. I clean these with a plastic baggie over my hand and discovered with my last load that someone left the dreaded kleenex in their pocket...okay-if you can see the germed up remnants ALL over the washer tub, why on earth would you put it in the DRYER that other people are going to use after you and then not bother to clean it out??!!...EEWWW is all I can say. Thankg goodness for Clorox wipes...I am on my second cylinder! I posted a pic of what i have to do just do laundry. I load up a luggage cart (works quite well!) with my laundry detergent assortments, a bag of change, garbage bags full of dirty clothes ( I don't have wash baskets here), clean laundry bags to fill with my clean folded laundry, Eric's laptop, my cell and anything else I can fit on the cart for my entertainment while I'm waiting and guarding my precious laundry. Fun times!!
We did a little shopping and Eric got me a GPS to keep me on the right roads so I don't end up in Alabama. I am trying to figure out how to work the thing, so hopefully that will not be too difficult for the NON-TECHY person that I am. I am looking forward to using it-and listening to this woman talk to me through the speaker...hopefully she will not have an annoying voice...When we were looking at them at Best Buy, I was trying to figure out how to get the floor sample to speak English... and to no avail. I can see my GPS speaking to me in Russian-seriously, You think I'm joking.
The weather down here is quite cool this week-of course, WE are here. Why wouldn't it be? Record lows are on the books for tomorrow-OF COURSE! Freeze warning...WHY NOT?? WE are here now and this will be unseasonably cool winter and with our luck, a blizzard will follow shortly. Luckily, my overzealous packing methods have allowed me to pull out the boy's winter coats-and mine as well. I had to think of packing for winterish weather for Thanksgiving week when we visit up north, but wasn't thinking we had to use much of them before then-lucky us!:)
Yesterday was fun shopping for new appliances that will be delivered the first week we are in our new house...however, I had quite a headache trying to figure out what the great cook like myself would need in my new kitchen??...most of you must be thinking the same...will anything measure up? I will set your minds at ease, got the basics and they work. All I need. I'll figure out how to do the self-cleaning thing later. ( I didn't have much experience with this in my past home for 11 years-Lisa and Di can vouch for this). I'm learning though...and the local Publix is offering a cooking class-so I'm hoping to be able to do something like that...My class choices will be: Boiling water 101. How to cook food in a pan without getting it to stick. How to cook pasta without it turning mushy. How to cook chicken in an oven at the right temperature as to avoid the leather feel in your dishes and realizing because it is juicy, DOESN'T mean it contains Salmonella. How to use a crockpot. And last but not least, How to use salt and pepper to taste, not MASK your dishes. Just a few I think I might enjoy.
Note to self: DO NOT GIVE YOUNGEST SON ICE CREAM AN HOUR BEFORE BED!! He is staring at me right now across the bed. Lovely...I hope that means he will at least sleep in tomorrow!
Counting down to Thanksgiving week...can't wait!! XOXO
1 comment:
You make me laugh! I love to start the day off by reading your daily adventures in Atlanta! I am sure you are on a countdown to moving into the new house!! I am looking forward to seeing you guys next week!
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