Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Welcome to Georgia" says the triage nurse...

Not really the thing you want to hear in your first two weeks in a new town..."Welcome to Georgia"-coming from a triage nurse from the local ER. BUT, would my life not be as full with such challenges around me? Jake started getting sick about 9:30p last night and absolutely would NOT stop vomiting. As most of you know, we have dealt with this before with the same outcome-inevitable dehydration. I don't know why this kid has such a problem with this, but within hours he just deteriorates. As I debated what to do at 12:30pm surrounded by soiled bed sheets, towels and cooking pan, I knew I should take him in becuase Eric was with Sammy and i knew by morning we would be there anyways. So off we went in the middle of the night absolutely FREEZING our tails off. It was a balmy 27 degrees, which by the way, the nurse reiterated it hasn't been this cold in November since...1959!...think back to my last post...OF COURSE! Just wait...why go to Barrow AK, when you just move to Atlanta GA to layer your clothes!

The doc suspected appendicitis and they did a CT scan of his abdomen-which was completely normal-only found all the contast he drank quite reluctantly, I might add. That didn't stay down soon as the CT was over, out it came. Poor guy. HE was just miserable. After the some IV Fluids and some IV Zofran and morphine, he was out and feeling much better. The doc came to the conclusion he just has a severe case of the flu. Wonderful. That was a relief and considering his history, a pretty short stay in the ER. THey sent us home about 5am with orders, presciptions and of course a note for Jake to miss school for today and tomorrow.

Now the real challenge to keep a 5 year old brother who is attached to his hip from suffering the same fate. Very difficult in our hotel room. I cloroxed all the handles, tables, faucets, you name it. I stripped all of the beds, towels, all new linens. All pj's went into the laundry and hands were washed. It was funny Sammy refused to even sit on the same bed as Jake-he sat on the floor to watch tv! We'll see how long this lasts.

Jake is doing much better today-kept fluids down and had a popsicle tonight for dinner. We will try crackers and toast tomorrow if all goes well if I can get some sleep I'll be in good shape-and hopefully with much more cheery things to write about tomorrow!

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