Okay...when you all come to visit, I want you to count all the times you have to make a u-turn in this town!! Today it was only 4 times...so many roads I'm trying to get used to....doesn't help with my peanut gallery in the backseat..."mom, did you miss the turn again??! Didn't you do this yesterday?"...I hope I get the hang of this soon...Eric did insist I buy a GPS system-however, that is beyond my knowledge-so I insisted Eric just buy one he feels would work well, otherwise I'll pick the most expensive one with all the gadgets and not know how to use any of them!...and Di, I don't think I've seen coupons for these....but if you see one, let me know!:) If there is one out there, I feel confident you will find it!
Today we registered Jake at his new school-it looks nice and fairly new. The secretary was very nice and I was able to fill out most of the paperwork right there. She did however ask for my address and proof of residency...I filled her in on the details and she assured me Jake could still attend until we actually own a mailbox. He seems excited except his new teacher is Miss Pierce-he said he will have hard time remembering that one since his kindergarten and first grade teachers all began with an F...I said remember" Pierce with a lightsabre"...maybe I should have though of a different way to remember!?:) After we got our paperwork, we just had to "stop by" the Fulton County Department of Health...just a few miles away...and few u-turns later we actually found the place. Quite the experience....our "stopping by" turned out into a 3 hour visit...yes, our immunizations were not up to date by GA standards...both boys needed Hepatitis A shots as well...lovely. Sammy HATES shots...I mean HATES them! Needless to say, it only took 3 nurses to hold him down this time...me being one of them! After all of this...they don't accept credit cards...only cash, check, medicaid, etc...SO after a quick jaunt to the hotel to rob my husbands cash stash, we finally were able to pay. I was glad to get that part of my day over with!
We headed over to what we thought was a super Wal-Mart (if I would have noticed the sign closely it said "Super H-Mart)-I noticed in the parking lot a large contingency of Asian customers...walked inside and realized, it was not a super wal-mart-but a Korean Grocery Store...I couldn't help but chuckle...I needed that!
I made grilled cheese on my one burner that worked and heated soup in the microwave...Okay all of my dear friends...when I come to visit, have a good home-cooked meal waiting!!!:)
Tomorrow is Jake's first day of school...I'll fill u in on the details!!!
I miss you all!!
Love the post! A Korean grocery store...only you! :) Also love hearing what you guys are up to... it's like being right there. Give Jake a big hug from his aunt tomorrow on his first day at his new school. Love you guys!
I about died laughing as I read about the Korean store!!!! Sorry, but no coupons for a GPS, but watch for sales the day after Thanksgiving and you can go out early with all of the other crazies!! I will not be one of those people this year!
Tell Jake we all said good luck in his new school! You will master the streets in no time, don't worry.
You make me laugh! :) I miss you guys.
Cute haircut Jake! He's looking a lot like dad these days. Sounds like you are doing a great job, about par for the course with the U-turns and living out of a mini-fridge... Did that all over Europe whenever we travelled. Best of luck and keep me posted! My email is OhioMarsh5@sbcglobal.net.
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